Monday, September 03, 2007

Irene starts "school" one day early

The rest of us will officially start our 07/08 school year tomorrow, but little 2 1/2 year old Irene started today. She must have been listening to Thomas recently review some of his math facts with flash cards. Today she engaged both her dad and I in some "math facts" as she shouted from room to room "mom, what 2 plus?" I would answer back, "2 plus 0 is 2". Irene answered "K!" and then she'd write the answer on her Yatzee score card (perfectly turned uppee (upside) down). She'd then shout another problem, "mom, what 8 plus?", to which I'd answer "8 plus zero is 8". The routine went on for at least a dozen problems for me and then she got her daddy involved. It was out of the mouths of babes and we loved it! Of course the neighbors may have thought we were crazy - they already are aware of that :-) as our windows were wide open with the sashes being stained and/or painted after replacing all of them in the house the last two weeks.

In general, I'd have to admit that we are in good shape to begin another school year at home. It is always exciting to get a week or so under our belts, iron out the kinks and get back into a rhythm for the year.

New items for this year include the 2nd year of the rotation for My Father's World curriculum on Creation to the Greeks, Learnables language program for Spanish, and English from the Roots up for vocabulary.


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