Monday, September 25, 2006

They are Fine!

Our children did their annual mandatory test today. In Minnesota, children between the ages of 7 and 16 need to take a nationally norm referenced standardized achievement test one time per academic year. Last year was our first year to test Thomas and this year we thought it would be a good benchmark for Mari.

Good news..... our kids are just fine. They performed very well and we are quitting schooling for the rest of the academic year. JUST KIDDING!!

Thomas looked forward to the test, reported that it was fun and wanted to do it more often than just once per year. He calmed down his sister, who because she had not taken it previously, was concerned about answering incorrectly. The test administrator did an excellent job reassuring Mari as well, making sure that she knew that "some of the questions would be really easy, some would be just right and others would be really hard".

This weeks lessons are on Jamestown, John Smith, and Squanto. Bible lessons are on "Jesus saves", "Live like Jesus", and "Jesus as a Child". A few fun science experiments are planned, as well as the usual reading of LOTS of good books.

Of course we will take some time to enjoy the outdoors, as autumn in Minnesota is simply wonderful. Today the children were so excited to be able to gather enough leaves for the first leaf pile of the year which they could jump in. I should mention that it was Thomas' idea to get out the blower and do a bit of yard work during a recess break. He worked hard for 45 minutes, with Mari managing the extension cord for him. To their excitement, Irene joined in the fun and did some jumping too, once the equipment had been put away.

I am hoping that the comments of "wow!" and "cool" and "I didn't know that" will continue this week, as we learn more about our amazing God and all he is capable of teaching us.

Because of Him,


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